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Getting Started on GAPS

Amy Mihaly
Purchase for $997

Are you new to GAPS?

Getting Started on GAPS (GSOG) is a online, self-paced course designed for the person just beginning their GAPS healing journey. This course covers the basic topics and techniques you will need to implement the GAPS healing protocol for you or your family. 

Getting Started on GAPS (GSOG)

The course is designed to be the companion to Dr. Natasha Campbell McBride’s books, Gut and Psychology Syndrome, or Gut and Physiology Syndrome. Her books provide the science behind GAPS symptoms, and why this protocol supports your body to heal. And while she does provide all the needed basics of the protocol, including Stages, recipes, and timing, many people find it difficult to implement the GAPS Protocol from reading the book alone. That’s why we created this course at the request of GAPS International.

The GSOG course is here to help you implement the protocol. In the course, there are articles and videos that dive deeper into topics like “Learning to Listen to Your Body,” “Healing, Detox and Die-Off Reactions,” and “Catabolic and Anabolic Balance,” as well as individual assignments to help you practice cooking techniques, and checklists for things like shopping or detoxing your house. Finally, there are in-depth modules about each Stage of the GAPS Diet to help you better understand what the goal of that Stage is. And the course contains so much more! Make sure to check out all the module content listed below. Keep scrolling!

  • Evergreen enrollment (join anytime)
  • Lifetime Access to Course Content and Forums
  • Online-only (no in-person workshops or travel)

The GSOG course will cover and include:

  • Unique Course Materials and Content
  • GAPS Prep Steps or “Before GAPS”
  • Review of Introduction Diet Stages
  • Review of Full GAPS Diet
  • “Practicing GAPS” Before Diving In
  • Understanding Detox & Die-Off
  • Monthly Live Q&A Webinar Support (recorded)
  • Discussion Forums Support
  • Lifetime Access to Course Content and Forums

GSOG Tuition Investment: $997 USD for 5 Years of Access (Tuition installment payment plan available)

For more FAQs, learn more on our website.

Here is the course outline:

1. Course Content and Pacing

Learn what to expect, where to get more help, and how the modules are set up. Make sure to do this Module first!

Refund/Withdrawal Policy
Refund/Withdrawl Policy
How to Use This Course
What if I Need More Help?
Outline of the Modules
Course Outline PDF
Finding Your Why
Tell Us Your Why
You Can Do It!
Recommended Books

2. GAPS and Healing Concepts

Learn some important concepts of disease and healing from a GAPS perspective. These are important, so review them often.

What is GAPS?
The GAPS Nutritional Protocol
What is the GAPS Diet?
Helpful Healing Concepts
One Man's Meat is Another Man's Poison
Feeding versus Cleansing
Learning to Listen to Your Body
Catabolic and Anabolic Balance
Healing, Detox and Die-off Reactions

3. Prep: The Food

Prepare for a successful GAPS experience by practicing and preparing the GAPS Diet basics.

Why Take the Time to Prepare?
Recipe Deck
Meat Stock
Your Turn: Make Meat Stock
Fermented Foods
Your Turn: Fermented Foods
Animal Fats
Your Turn: Render Fat
Culturing Dairy
Your Turn: Cultured Dairy
Organ Meats
Your Turn: Organ Meats

4. Prep: The House

Prepare your house and kitchen for your time on the GAPS Protocol.

Setting up Your House
Kitchen and Pantry
Kitchen Tools Shopping PDF
Food Shopping PDF
Personal Care Products
Home Cleaning Products

5. Prep: Mindset & Emotions

Learn why your mindset is vital to your success, and how to understand it and change it (if necessary).

Your Mindset for Change Starts with Emotions
What Are Emotions, Anyway?
Basic Emotional Check-in: How do You Feel?
Emotions: Logical and Helpful
Change Your Behavior by Changing Your Beliefs
Additional Resources

6. Prep: Getting Support and Sharing with Others

Prepare for success by getting the right support! This module discusses who may be good support for you, and how to ask for support.

When and How to Share with Others
Medical Practitioners
School and Daycare Providers
Family Members
GAPS Professionals
Supporting Yourself
Example Letters PDF

7. Protocol: Detoxification

In this module we will discuss the detoxification methods to use during your healing on the GAPS protocol.

Oil Pulling
Detox Baths
Other Detox Methods
Chelation Therapy

8. Protocol: Supplementation

In this module you will learn about the basic supplements recommended on the GAPS Protocol, as well as which supplements to avoid.

Recommended Supplements on GAPS
Essential Fatty Acids
Fish Oil and Cod Liver Oil
Digestive Enzymes
Organ Supplements

9. Protocol: The Diet

Learn what the Introduction Stage and Full GAPS diet are made for, how they fit into the larger GAPS Protocol, and how to lead yourself and your family through this nutritional healing protocol. Should you start with GAPS Intro or Full GAPS? How to Introduce Dairy Sensitivity Test

Introduction Diet vs Full GAPS Diet
Where to Start? Intro vs Full GAPS
Moving Through the Stages
Sensitivity Test
Dairy Introduction Structure
Modifications of the GAPS Diet
Recipe Deck

10. Full GAPS Diet

What you need to know to do the Full GAPS Diet.

Full GAPS At-A-Glance
Allowed Foods
Allowed Foods PDF
Not-Allowed Foods
Not-Allowed Foods PDF
Full GAPS: Discussion and Details
Suggested Daily Routine
Suggested Daily Routine PDF

11. Introduction Stage 1

What you need to know to do Introduction Stage 1.

Stage 1 At-A-Glance
Intro Stage 1 PDF
Stage 1 Recipes
Stage 1 Discussion and Details

12. Introduction Stage 2

What you need to know to do Introduction Stage 2.

Stage 2 At-A-Glance
Intro Stage 2 PDF
Stage 2 Recipes
Stage 2 Discussion and Details

13. Introduction Stage 3

What you need to know to do Introduction Stage 3.

Stage 3 At-A-Glance
Intro Stage 3 PDF
Stage 3 Recipes
Stage 3 Discussion and Details

14. Introduction Stage 4

What you need to know to do Introduction Stage 4.

Stage 4 At-A-Glance
Intro Stage 4 PDF
Stage 4 Recipes
Stage 4 Discussion and Details

15. Introduction Stage 5

What you need to know to do Introduction Stage 5.

Stage 5 At-A-Glance
Intro Stage 5 PDF
Stage 5 Recipes
Stage 5 Discussion and Details

16. Introduction Stage 6

What you need to know to do Introduction Stage 6.

Stage 6 At-A-Glance
Intro Stage 6 PDF
Stage 6 Recipes
Stage 6 Discussion and Details

17. Transitioning from Stage 6 to Full GAPS

Directions on how to transition from the last Stage of Intro to the Full GAPS Diet.

Transitioning Onto Full GAPS
Suggested Daily Routine
Suggested Daily Routine PDF

18. Coming Off GAPS

You likely won't be on the GAPS Diet forever. This is how you come off.

Coming Off the GAPS Diet
Coming Off GAPS PDF

19. What To Do Now?

Now that you've gone through all the modules, what should you do now?

Where to Go From Here?
Continue on: Further Training in the GAPS Protocol

20. Course Wrap Up

Celebrate! You did it!

You Did It!
Reflect on What You've Learned
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